Ritalin Girl and the Holy Father

How Ritalin Girl was Born: A Spiritual Encounter

Seeing as the main topic of this blog is Ritalin Girl, it would be good to go into details about how she came into being. See Ritalin Momma had gone to do a yoga class, something that was just about keeping her sane through her strenuous job search.

In this particular yoga class, the instructor had the students practising Lion’s Breath or Simhasana. This is where you inhale deeply through the nose and then exhale strongly through the mouth whilst sticking your tongue out. Sound intense? Oh we know. It was.

This exercise seemed to awaken the lioness within Momma Ritalin and she felt heavily frustrated at what seemed like her state of paralysis whilst she was trying to find her next gig. To relieve some of her anxiety, during the shavasana or corpse pose at the end she said a silent prayer to God. First she thanked him for everything because she knows how important it is to show gratitude. That’s what holy people do apparently.

Then she asked him for guidance and that very same evening Ritalin Girl was born. Like a modern fictional baby Jesus, no intercourse preluded her creation. And here she is. We hope you enjoy reading 😊


Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash